16 Jan TV Ads: Going Strong in 2017
With live-streaming shows growing more and more popular, is it time to retire the traditional television commercial? After all, early reports from Adam Rowe of TechCo indicate that this may be the first year that digital ads overtake TV ads in spending, hinting at the new online-based media. However, considering the use of TV commercials, the audience for TV ads remains just as robust as ever with some key trends expected to occur in 2017. Make no mistake, TV commercials remain one of the more reliable forms of reaching out to a core audience.
TV Still Brings in $$
For one thing, TV commercials continue to be a lucrative field as companies compete for attention. For one example, Verizon, as reported by Amy Gordon on Tech Times, spent $91 million on ads in December 2016 alone, the largest amount spent of the month. In a more general overview, CNBC’s Lucy Handley also predicts America’s TV ad spending in 2017 to match those of 2016 at $72 billion despite no Olympics or presidential election coverage. With numbers and expectations like this, television appears to not only continue but endure in the face of digital growth. But how, exactly, is this trend continuing?
TV is Tradition
Keep in mind, America has had a long love of watching television, and that tradition has not changed despite decades of technological development. More importantly, the number of hours watching television increases as the age group rises. As the 65+ age group increases every year, the average television viewing numbers might actually increase as well. Finally, the variety of television channels, even in the midst of online programming, provides a wide number of options for advertisers. Thus, the use of TV advertising contains assortments of possibilities and ideas to explore to different demographics. Still, with the new medium of online viewing to consider, there are some new methods that will likely be considered to stay ahead of the technological curve.
At the Finish Line
In the long run, television and online advertising are not necessarily at odds with one another. As the year continues, companies will learn to use both to the best of their abilities just as consumers use both for their entertainment pleasure. The important thing to remember that TV ads, much like the TV itself, is here to stay for a long time.
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