04 Jun Berning Celebrates 35 Years of Success
Robert Berning Productions, Inc. and Berning Marketing LLC employees greeted the new year by announcing a year-long celebration to commemorate Berning’s 35th anniversary in the film/video production and advertising business.
Founded in 1975 by Robert Berning, Jr., Robert Berning Productions, Inc. first operated out of a two-hundred year old New Orleans French Quarter walk up. That original studio, 35 years later, has evolved into a complete creative communications complex.
A full-service advertising agency, Berning Marketing LLC, works hand-in-hand with the production company to offer strategic planning, design, web and media placement for clients with a need for integrated marketing services.
During 2010, which the company has proclaimed the Berning 35th Anniversary Year, a roster of events have been planned to support the company’s ongoing Social Responsibility Program, which began in 2008. Some of the featured events include employee-led charity drives for homeless shelters and blood centers, and hosting “green” volunteer opportunities in which the local community may participate.
Berning Marketing has already kicked-off this year’s celebration by donating 35-hours of creative services to the 9th Ward Field of Dreams, a small community group’s effort to raise $1.85 million for a state-of-the art football field and track at G.W. Carver High School. The original football and track field were destroyed by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. The athletic fields will be used by all public schools and community members free of charge.
“For 35 years now, our company has helped corporations and community-based organizations across the South communicate their messages through various forms of media,” said Robert Berning. “When we were approached with the opportunity to support the 9th Ward Field of Dreams initiative, we couldn’t turn the opportunity down. This is a true, community-based project and I’m sure it will undoubtedly play a part in not only shaping the future of Carver High School students but the rebuilding of the entire 9th Ward community nearly destroyed by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.”
Eddie Brown, Berning Marketing Public Relations Director, said the advertising company is careful in avoiding “throwing money” at community causes and projects for the “feel good” factor, but rather seek opportunities where employees can offer their best assets – creativity.
“Instead of simply donating money to the 9th Ward Field of Dreams project, we knew as marketers and advertisers trained in long-term thinking the core-group of fundraisers still needed an official presence, the ability to keep donors and the community aware of the organization’s success, and some type of interactive tool or Web site to further market the 9th Ward Field of Dreams.”
– See more at: http://www.berning.com/berning-celebrates-35-years-of-success/#sthash.jPuWRWL1.dpuf
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